Did you see Bigfoot? Submit your report RIGHT HERE! Even if you’re not sure what you saw, heard, or felt, your experience is valuable and we want to hear about it…maybe even follow up with you to get even more info! Fill out each blank as best as you can and then click SUBMIT!

Bigfoot Encounter Report
May we contact you to follow up?
What was the weather like at the time of your encounter? You can choose more than one.
Bigfoot Encounter Investigations
Bigfoot Investigations
Bigfoot Research
Bigfoot Investigations
Squatch America
Squatch America,
514 Americas Way #13849,Box Elder,SD57719,
Telephone No.541.403.4616
United States
United States
Squatch America receives, reviews, and investigates Bigfoot encounter reports in the United States of America.
Did you see, hear, or even smell a Bigfoot, or what you think might have been a Bigfoot? Let us know – we would love to talk with you!