Miners’ Jubilee NEXT WEEKEND!!!

July 14, 2018

Next weekend (July 20-21-22, 2018) is Miners’ Jubilee in Baker City, Oregon…my home town! Blue Mountain Bigfoot Research will have a booth set up, taking reports, meeting fellow Bigfoot enthusiasts, disseminating information, displaying findings, and selling squatch swag.

This is one of my favorite times; I enjoy all the stories, the ability to answer Bigfoot related questions (to the best of my ability), and meeting with fellow Bigfooters. If you want to be part of the team, stop by and let’s talk!

Also, you may have a chance to meet Hannah from Squatchin’ with Hannah.

You can also take your picture with Hank the Squatch, our life-sized Bigfoot. See how you “Squatch Up” to the legendary cryptid.

And don’t forget to SIGN UP for the FREE RAFFLE. The prize? A replica copy of the famous Roger Patterson foot cast of Patty the Bigfoot from Bluff Creek.

Did I say FREE???



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